Hello everyone !
My blog has a new domain name - tihomir.org . Thats the new address of this blog .
Go check it out - Make Money Online with Tihomir Nakov!
Thank you for being around!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
My Blog moves to new domain
Posted by Admin at 6:34 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Get Your Site a Top Ranking in Google
There is no secret, but rather, it's just knowing what to do. I've made just about every mistake one can make with a website, but I learned from every setback. If you were only allowed to do one thing to get ranked for your site in Google, without a doubt, all you'd need to do is get links for your site.
Yes, there are many other factors involved in getting your site to a top position. But this is the most powerful way as of this writing to get a top spot in Google. It's not just enough to have links pointing to your site, but you need to have your keyword "anchor linked" to your site. Anchor linking is when you use your keyword phrase as the click-able text for a link. So, instead of saying "Click Here", you would use "Widgets" as the link text.
Now, another point of consideration is determining what keyword/phrase you want to use to get your site found. Most times, people impulsively choose a one word phrase. While this would be a great way to bring traffic to your site, would it bring targeted traffic, with people looking specifically for your product or service? Most times when people type in a one letter keyphrase, they are in the beginning of their search.
They may type in "Shoes", but are really looking for "Running Shoes". So, if you have a top ranking for shoes, do you serve that user's needs? Maybe, but they may also be looking for dress, casual, Women's, Men's, Children's, athletic, girl's, boy's, etc. This is why when you begin to optimize your site, you should focus on more targeted keyword phrases.
Suppose you sell a certain brand name of dress shoes. For this example, we'll call the famous brand XYZ. So, by getting anchor links as "XYZ Dress Shoes", you are already eliminating those users who are looking for another brand or line of shoe. Next, you need to make sure that the page that gets linked contains the on the page content with "XYZ Dress Shoes". If you would link to a page without relevant content, Google would view this link as possible spam, or more appropriately, irrelevant content.
Now, once you have compiled your list of keywords, you need to see which one are searched on the most. The best tool for this is WordTracker, and it is worth the tiny fee you need to pay to have access for one day. There are also free tools online that you can use, but WordTracker will give you the most accurate results.
Once you have run through your list of all your keywords, the obvious choice is to pick the ones with the highest amount of searches (and content relevant to your site!). The next step is to then begin the process of a link campaign. Now, I can already hear you complaining about doing a link exchange. This is only 1/3 of your campaign. The ideal method is to not only engage in a reciprocal link exchange, but to also engage in strategic linking.
Strategic linking is when you get a link to your site without having to return the favor. What's the best way to do this? Write an article just like this one. If I get one website to use this article and have it point to my site, I've just created another link to my site. Pretty easy, eh?
Since you have now engaged in a linking campaign, you should expect to see results in Google in as little as 4 days, and as far as 6 months. All of this is determined by where your links are coming from, and the popularity of the site from which the link came. Next, you need to get as many links as you can pointing to your site with your popular keyword phrase anchor linked to your site.
As I mentioned before, there many other factors that will only enhance your rankings in Google, but the implementation of a link campaign is the strongest method to get your site to a top ranking!
by Paul Bliss at www.seoforgoogle.com
Posted by Admin at 6:54 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Importance Of Outbound Links
Nowadays most blog owners focus on getting inbound links to their blogs. By having a outbound link to another site, you are somehow voting for that site - thats how PageRank works. So why you should help other sites and link to them? Actually, by carefully linking to other relevant sites, you are increasing the relevancy of your own site. As the search engine spider returns the information about your site to database to be processed in the algorithm, it has pre-sorted some search results based on the links your site points to.
Another benefit of outbound linking is Geo Targeting, or Local search. There is a lot of speculation that local search is the next big trend in Search Marketing. While only time will tell, it won't hurt to have your physical address listed on your website for those who will be embracing local search.
As an experiment, Paul Bliss tells how he created a site with a very unique url (to avoid the possibility of people finding it by accident), and he made it only 1 page long. The only thing the page consisted of were 80+ outbound links to relevant sites in the SEO industry, tools, forums and some tutorials. When the PageRank was first updated for the site, it came out of the box with a PR of 3. It has since fallen to a PR of 2 (now that he has pointed a few sites to it!).
The whole point of this experiment was to see how outbound links affect your own rankings of your site. Paul was able to generate a PR of 2 based entirely on linking to authority sites in the SEO industry. So, take the time to link to some relevant sites, the big names (if any), and enjoy the power of the easy, outbound link.
Posted by Admin at 5:42 PM 0 comments
33 Ways To Get More Visitors To Your Site
Here are some tips that will give you a good start of your new site.
- Join Link Exchange Broker.
- Submit your site to Yahoo.
- Submit your site to DMOZ, and hope it get's listed before the year 2337.
- Submit your site to MSN.
- Get back-links.
- Submit your site to Google, though back-links will do way more good than submiting your site.
- Include RSS feeds.
- Write Articles and use that by-line spot for back-links.
- Submit the articles to article sites/directories.
- Mailing list - Send out an E-mail atleast once or twice a month.
- Have Contests and include a 'Subscribe to our mailing list box'.
- Viral marketing - Make something that has your site info and give it out free.
- Scripts - Include a link to your site in the footer. Require the link to stay there unless they pay for a version with the link taken out.
- Site of the Day - Make a site of the day award, and as more sites add the award to there site with back-links, you get visitors. Just make sure it's a high quality image.
- Include a message board/chat room. If thew site is new, start out with just one board. the last thing you want are dead message boards! Do anything you can to get visitors to come back day after day.
- PPC - If the visitors are worth it, pay for them to come to your site. Then try to keep them and turn them in to repeated visitors.
- Mailing list special - If you sell stuff, include deals in your mailing list.
- Polls - Have a poll of the day or week.
- Content - Content - Content - It's king. 10,000 pages of pure content will generate way more visitors than 1,000 pages of it will, once it's indexed in search engines.
- Public Domain Content - If you get the right stuff. ie content that can't all ready be found on 1,000 different sites, like Wikipedia content.
- E-mail signatures. Include your site link there!
- Make a directory, and require a back-link to get listed.
- SEO your pages. place your keyword in the title, header, and content. You can also place it in meta tags, but some search hardly use them, like Google.
- Advertise on TV, sell shirts, give out business cards, do an IPO....(This all counts as one cause 95% of us'll never even do any of this stuff!)
- If you make programs, make deals with other programmers to include each others products. Now you got other sites giving out your programs.
- Submit your programs to program directories.
- Make your URLs search engine friendly with mod_rewrite.
- Write FAQs - Include links to your site in the by-line. For example, read the first reply after the mod_rewrite FAQ, then look at the last paragraph in the FAQ.
- Include a link section on your site, and offer to place the banner of another site up if they place your banner on there link page. (Make sure it's a quality site, so you don't get penalized for linking to them!)
- Get out of the sandbox! ie don't be the 6,857,834th listing in Google!
- Register your domain for more than one year.
- If you sell products, set up an affiliate program. All those affiliates that become active will be giving you visitors.
- Message board signatures. The more you post, the more back-links you get. 1,000 quality posts will get you way more than 50 quality posts. Or you can live down at the Off-Topic boards all day! Search engines can also find your site from them, though they don't generate PR.
Via User "Nintendo" at DP Forums.
Posted by Admin at 7:05 AM 0 comments
SeoQuake - Great Firefox extension for SEO
This is my favourite extension for Mozilla Firefox for web masterswho deal with SEO and Site Promotion. Seoquake allows to obtain and investigate many important SEO parameters of the internet project under study on the fly, save them for future work, compare them with the results, obtained for other, competitive, projects.
It consists of two functional parts. The first one is SeoBar. The second part is the computation of the parameters for search results and its inclusion into search engine result pages – SERPs – for the most popular search engines.
- SeoBar
- Inclusion of parameters in SERPs
- Parameters
General set of parameters consists of such parameters as Google PR (Google PageRank of current page), Google Index (Number of indexed pages. Google version), Google link (Number of links, pointed to the current page. Google version (Except links from concerned domain)), similar parameters for many other search engines (Yahoo, MNS, Yandex, Rambler, Baidu) and some other miscellaneous parameters.
There is also a tool for creation of custom parameters at user’s disposal. These parameters can be saved and used for future research, whatever it may be.
All SeoQuake parameters can be turned on/off to be shown in SeoBar or on SERPs.
- Miscellaneous
Full description of all SeoQuake functions and parameters can be found on official site of addon: http://www.seoquake.com/index-en.php
Warning! Extension is using the advertisement block in results of search engines. Please, read Privacy Policy, before install http://www.seoquake.com/policy.html
Posted by Admin at 3:24 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 11, 2007
Selecting a Topic for Your Web Site
Selecting a good topic is the first step to building a successful web site.
You should select a topic which you find interesting, as you will be devoting thousands of hours of your life to this topic. It does not necessarily have to be a topic where you are deeply knowledgeable today, but it does have to be a topic in which you are interested in becoming deeply knowledgeable.
It should also be a topic in which other people are interested. No one wants to build a web site only for themselves. Your topic should be broad enough to appeal to a good audience, but narrow enough for you to be able to cover it comprehensively. Many successful web sites initially focus on a very small niche’, grow to dominate that niche’, and then branch out from that niche’ into related topics.
It should be a topic with economic value to an advertiser. Some topics are very interesting as hobbies, but do not do well at generating income. For example, the War of 1812 is fascinating, but is not something which will interest many advertisers.
Finally, the topic for a new web site should be one which is not too competitive. If there are already a hundred great web sites on your chosen topic, you should choose a new topic where you will be able to add something new to the Internet.
How to Determine if Other People are Interested in your Topic
One easy method of determining if other people are interested in your topic is to use the Digital Point Keyword Suggestion Tool (http://www.digitalpoint.com/tools/suggestion/). This tool will show you rough numbers which represent what people on the Internet are searching for. These numbers come from the Wordtracker and Overture tools which we will discuss in the section on keyword selection.
Enter possible topics into the Keyword Suggestion tool and you will be able to get a rough idea how popular your topic is – as compared to other topics. The actual numbers are irrelevant; the important thing to note is how the numbers relate to one another.
Today, the term “arizona” scored 265 on Wordtracker and 492.4 on Overture. The term “chicago white sox” scored 511 on Wordtracker and 755.1 on Overture. From this data, we can see that more people search the web for information on the White Sox than on the Cardinals.
How to Determine if Advertisers are Interested in your Topic
One of the best methods for measuring advertiser interest in a topic is to find out what it would cost an advertiser to purchase a PPC (Pay Per Click) advertisement on that topic. This can be done using the Google AdWords Keyword Tool (https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal).
Enter the topic you are thinking of as a keyword and click “Get More Keywords”. Change the value of the “Show columns” dropdown list to “Cost and ad position estimates”. Enter an unrealistic value as the Max CPC -- $50 should work fine. Click the “Recalculate” button.
When we try to search for “white sox”, our search fails. This is because AdWords does not allow advertisers to key on Trademarks. Therefore, we search for other terms which will be found on our web site. For example, a search for “baseball” shows that “baseball” currently has an average CPC of$1.07. This is a good CPC and tells us that this is a site idea that we might be interested in.
How to Determine if your Topic is too Competitive
NicheBot (http://www.nichebot.com/) is one useful tool for roughly determining the competitiveness of a keyword. Enter your prospective keyword and click the “Search” button.
If we search for “white sox”, we see that “chicago white sox” was searched for 40,537 times. That is excellent. Lots of people are interested in this topic. However, we also see that 19,100,000 pages on the Internet include the phrase “chicago white sox.” That gives us a ratio of 471.17. 471.17 generally means that a search term is very competitive. I recommend competing for search terms with a ratio of less than 10.
However, if we look down the list of suggested keywords, we see that “white sox jersey”, “white sox jerseys”, “chicago white sox jersey”, “chicago white sox jerseys”, “chicago white sox jacket” and “chicago white sox hat” all have ratios below ten. This tells us that a web site dedicated to Chicago White Sox clothing could potentially do very well.
Checklist for Topic Selection:
- I am interested in this topic
- Other people are interested in this topic
- Advertisers are interested in this topic
- This topic is not too competitive
Posted by Admin at 5:32 PM 0 comments
AdSense Success Story - From $10/Week to $800/Week
Here is a post by DigitalPoint Forum's Member "Burta". He inspired me much and I just wanted to share it on my blog.
Original Post is here: http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=207259
Well it would appear that another year has quickly come and gone, but it has been a very eventful year for me in terms of my AdSense experience so I thought I’d share my experience over the last 12 months, and maybe throw in a few hints and tips that I have learnt in that time.
OK will start off with who I am and how long I have been doing this for? My name is Chris and I’m a 21 year old university student from Brisbane, Australia. I started my sites back in the middle of 2004 for a bit of fun and to apply some of the new skills that I had just learnt in one of the subjects I had just studied at uni. That said I did have a bit of website and SEO experience from a few hobby sites that I created back in 1999 – 2001 when I made a couple of sites while I was in high school, again just as a hobby about topics I liked. As you can see I have been a member here at DP since October 2005 so I have been here for over a year now and I have learnt SO much, and I guess this thread is my little way of summarizing a lot of what I have learnt and giving back.
So I guess what you all really want to know is just how much am I making from AdSense on my sites. Well as it stands I’m making around $120/day lately.
As you can see when I first joined DP I was earning a very measly $10/week from AdSense with my sites that were at this point about 15 months old. Once I joined DP I obviously had my eyes opened to the true potential of my sites, not just in terms of AdSense but also in terms of SEO and the importance of building a good quality site. With this, I quickly saw improvements in my AdSense earnings and my traffic to my sites by applying that simple advice that is scattered all over these forums, and within a few short weeks I was earning a very solid $100-$200/week which I was quite happy with.
From October 2005 through to May 2006 I saw fairly gradually, but small growth of my sites with the exception of two weeks in February where my sites were down for a few days and constantly crashing until I upgraded my hosting, which had become overburdened due the progress I had made. Then in May I got caught up with my university commitments and then I went on a couple of brief holidays which saw my sites’ growth stagnate until around August at which point I had a terrible drop in revenues as a result of Google supplementally indexing my sites and placing many of my pages into supplemental results, a problem which I would solve a couple of months later.
Then came September! As you can see on the graph I made significant progress in September. What did I do that made such amazing returns in such a short period of time? Simple – I got serious and started working hard and applying what I had learnt over the past two years.
How did I get serious? I took a bit of a risk, bought a few books about AdSense, SEO and general website development and dropped down to part time uni and started dedicating more time to my websites. I started writing articles that were on topics that people wanted to know about and topics that people were searching for, and I placed these articles into a highly optimized template that was just designed for these articles, then I went about building a few backlinks for these articles to help with the SEO. I’d have periods of maybe a week where everyday I would sit down and write an article two, often three or four, and I’d just keep writing, sharing my knowledge, sharing my expertise.
Why were articles successful? These articles each focused on an individual search term or topic within my industry. The articles were informative and useful. They were 100% original and completely unique in the industry. They were my thoughts, opinions and beliefs on topics that I was very knowledgeable on. They were detailed and lengthy. And the search engines loved them.
Why did the search engines love them? Because they were original and unique, and because they were getting backlinks and they were on my established sites which I believe have a fair amount of “TrustRank” because at this point my sites were well over 2 years old and had thousands of backlinks, because I had slowly but surely developed them over the previous two years. Plus the articles were all on niche topics that there wasn’t that much competition for, and I had employed very basic, but very solid SEO techniques. Things like:
- Giving each article an individual highly relevant page title.
- Using meta descriptions and keywords, but not abusing them.
- Using H1 and H2 tags.
- Using good keyword density and specific phrase targeting.
- Using good quality, unique, original and focused content.
- Building some well anchored backlinks.
- With a good navigational system between articles.
- Using an aged domain with good TrustRank.
These techniques are nothing special, and are the basics of SEO and when they are applied to individual articles and based around a well optimized AdSense template is the formula for high earnings and success with AdSense.
So what sort of template am I using? It is again nothing special. It basically is a simple article page that was 780px wide, with an AdSense links unit at the top, then a 100px high header image, then a left hand navigation bar. Then a large rectangle unit above the article, then the article itself with a H1 title, with H2 sub titles, where required, followed by another large rectangle unit after the article which was along side a list of similar articles, then a footer. Far from a revolutionary template design. I have attached the hand drawn version I gave to my designer so you can see how simple the design was.
Ok so that is the basics of how I went from less than $10/day in August 2006 to $100/day in October 2005, but before I wrap up this “little” post I thought I’d also share a few bits of wisdom that I have picked up along this 15 month learning curve here at DP.
Firstly so many people out there are preaching you need to diversifying and make MORE sites if you want to make more money with AdSense, and often in this suggestion is the timeless of debate of which is the best way to make money with AdSense, with sheer quantity of sites or a few quality sites? Personally I’m a quality sort of person who believes that that with every page and site I’m creating and building an asset that will not just be of value now, but well into the future. I’m not working on a snatch and grab model of trying to create one spam site a day everyday for a month to hopefully earning $1 from each site so that by the end of the month I can be earning $30/day. Why don’t I work like this – because in life making money generally comes down to one thing – providing value, and sites like that are soon weeded out by refined search engine algorithms.
Whether you are a CEO of a large company or a factory worker working on assembly line you are being paid for the value you provide. When it comes to websites you also need to be providing value to your visitors for them to continue to use your service, and by providing value you will gain them as a loyal reader, and as a reader you can advertise to them. The more people and the more value you provide the more you will make. It’s a simple equation really. Now search engines are constantly working towards weeding out the “poor value” sites that are often referred to SPAM and whilst there may be loopholes at the moment with every passing year the search engines become savvier and are refining their search algorithms.
So for me providing value is normally about providing good quality content. So I make sure that when I’m creating sites these days I’m adding something to the site that makes it worthwhile for someone to visit and if possible try to make it so valuable to them that they are actually inspired to come back again and again. These sorts of sites are then normally looked upon favorably by search engines as they receive natural link development from all the fans of the site. This is a model of site development that doesn’t just work presently, but is a model that I’m confident that will work well into the future of this rapidly changing environment.
Another issue that is often brought up is the issue of creating lots of sites for high paying niches. Personally I have never wasted my time with such things because I’m focused on providing good quality expert content and if I’m going to do this I need to make sure that I’m knowledgeable in the niche that I’m creating the site on, and unfortunately for me I’m just not that knowledgeable on mesothelioma, cancer, debt consolidation or lawyers, nor do I have any passion towards developing my knowledge on such niches so creating a site for such things would just be a waste of my time and any visitor’s time that came by my site, because the information on it would be next to useless.
What is a much smarter idea, that I believe I got from one of Shoemoney’s posts was that you should establish a good quality site in an industry that you are familiar with and knowledgeable of then when you have built the site to close to its potential and you are looking to make a new site to diversify, you should look to make a site that is still in a similar industry but has only a degree or two of separation from your original site. So say you had a site about Sports Cars, instead of trying to start a site about Music or something else that is completely unrelated to your established site, you might try making a site about Car Sound Systems, or Luxury Cars, or something that is still related to cars. This way you can build the new site somewhat off the back of the already established Sports Cars site. Plus you already have a great deal of knowledge about the related industry plus it is easier to stay motivated if you make sites about topics related to your passions, and even if you don’t have expert knowledge to start off with, you will pick things up quickly when you have loads of related knowledge from your other expertise. This is so much easier than trying to develop a new site from scratch and is a very effective way of developing a successful network of sites that feed off each other.
In this game of making money online you really should be always experimenting and trialling new things, but you should also be looking to apply methods that you know work. Building on what you have with more of what has worked in the past and consolidating your position.
You also need to make sure that you are working hard and keeping yourself motivated. The online world can be extremely competitive and you need to make sure that you are doing your best to stay ahead of the pack. You should be reading diversely on a range of topics, AdSense and other earning methods, SEO, online marketing, website design and development. Reading diversely doesn’t mean just reading forums, I also highly recommend buying ebooks, books taking classes to extend your learning beyond that of JUST DP – there is a whole world of thinking out there and often I think that so many people are just reading DP thinking that it is a one stop shop for everything.
The reality is DP doesn’t have it all and a $20 book from Amazon on AdSense or SEO could make you thousands of dollars. Let’s face it, if you aren’t willing to part with $20 at bare minimum to extend your expertise, chances are you aren’t going to be the next person here making $XX,XXX/month from anything online. That said there are definitely exceptions to that but it's extremely rare. Plus you can certainly fast track your development and earnings if you are willing to shell out a few dollars to increase your knowledge, or get a good quality design made, or some special feature for your site. Plus if you have invested money into your projects chances are you will be a lot more committed to gaining a return from them which will only further contribute to your development.
The reality is there are millions of people online that are willing to put their time into making money online, but only a very small proportion of those are willing to put there time AND money into giving themselves the edge, and the reality is that for every person that had tried to make a few bucks online and succeeded there have been about another 99 that tried and made nothing. So give yourself the edge, and take the risk of losing a what is literally a couple of dollars – I can almost guarantee you it will be the best risk you have ever taken.
I mentioned above, it is important you stay motivated, and one of the best ways I know of staying motivated is setting challenging goals and targets that are very detailed and measurable. That includes, short, medium and long term goals, and often making them public like here on DP is a great way of making yourself accountable to them. I personally think that you should have your goals written down somewhere along with an action plan at least and renewed them at least once a month. There have been many goal setting threads started up here at DP before in the past, many of which I have tried to stay actively involved with in the past, and I have always found them be wonderful references for both your progress and to help with keeping to a target.
Posted by Admin at 5:21 PM 0 comments
Make Money
Increase Traffic with Squidoo
For those who don't know about Squidoo:
The site allows anyone to make a special webpage that focuses on some subject that you are an expert in. You don't even need much expertise to create a "lens" on Squidoo.
A Squidoo lens is a webpage that focuses on a particular topic. For example you could make a lens about a hobby, sports team, your great grandmother, or even a product that you are selling. I make a lot of lenses on items I want to make money with and it works!
The interesting thing is Squidoo pages (lenses) are getting high placement in search engines for many keywords. Awesome!
Go to Squidoo.com and set up a free lens on your favorite subject.
The set up is easy and there is plenty of help on how to do it if you get stuck.
When you make your lenses, add as many keywords (tags) as you can that are related to your topic to bring in more traffic.
Treat it like blog and update it daily and you'll begin to see lots of traffic to your sites, not just your Squidoo pages.
The best thing is Squidoo lets you earn royalties from the traffic and clicks to your Squidoo lenses since there are Google Adwords on your Squidoo Pages. You can also add Ebay, Amazon, CafePress and Netflix modules that you can make money from too!
Posted by Admin at 5:19 PM 0 comments
Make Money Online with John Chow Review
John Chow dot Com is a blog that helps you make money online. He is offering to link to your blog if you review his blog. His blog is PR6 with very high traffic and lots of RSS Subscribers. John Chow is one of the best bloggers that write about SEO, affiliate programs and money making opportunities. He is owner of the The TechZone which is one of the largest hardware tech sites on the net averaging more than 200,000 pageviews daily (WOW). I personally visit his blog regularly reading posts about SEO and blogging tips. One of the best things about his blog is that he shares exactly how he is making money, giving tips to newbies. There is always much to learn from professional blogs like his.
Visit John Chow's blog and learn how to make money online.
Posted by Admin at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Make Money,
Alternative Methods to Monetize your Blog
Recently after Google's PageRank Update many sites/blogs raised PR. So my blogs did. There are many opportunities to monetize your site if you have good PR.
- Get Paid To Post a Review of Product/Service
- Get Paid to Sell Text Links
There are probably many other ways to monetize a blog with good PageRank thats what I use so far. If I find something else that is worth I will add it to this post.
Posted by Admin at 4:09 PM
Make Money,
12 excellent tips on link building
A very good friend of mine wrote an excellent article about link building techniques. He has listed places you can promote your site/blog for free and they are sorted by Page Rank according to last Google PR update.
The article covers all popular link building methods like Directory Submission, Link Exchange, Article Submission, Press Releases, Social Networking, Social Bookmarking, Edu/Gov Backlinking, Link Baiting Techniques and many more.
You can read it on DigitalPoint Forums or on his ForexAdvice Blog.
Posted by Admin at 12:11 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Keyword Selection and Competition checking
I would like to pay attention to Google Adwords External Keyword Tool.
It is maybe the best tool for keyword selection. You can see the search volume and competition for particular keyword or phrase. Combined with Google Trends you can make marketing research for any niche. Maybe thats the first thing to consider when you are going for a new site and optimization. A big limitation of this keyword tool is that you can view search volume of the current month only but sometimes thats enough to get a overall picture of the market situation.
Posted by Admin at 3:41 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Google PageRank Formula
0.15 + 0.85 x ( a share of the PR of every webpage that links to it) = Your Webpage PR
0.15 = The lowest PR a webpage could ever possibly have.
0.85 = A dampening factor... This is just the number that Google uses for their PR formula.
"share" = the PR of the page linking to you divided by the total number of links on that page.
None of the pages link to each other. They're just pure content webpages with no links to any
other pages within our website. Let's quickly calculate the PR of our pages by using the formula
0.15 + (0.85 x 0 ) = .15
Because no webpages link to our pages, there is no "share of PR"... hence it is 0.
So... If we do the math, we come up with a PR of .15 for each of our pages.
Now, let's see what happens if we link page A to page B.

- Page A : 0.15 + (.85 x 0) = .15
- Page B : 0.15 + (.85 x 1/1) = 1
- Page C : 0.15 + (.85 x 0) = .15
all the way up to 1. Big difference!
With our newly calculated Page Ranks for all of our pages, let's do the calculation again. By
doing so, we'll slowly get to the "true page rank" of all of our pages... The more iterations we
do, the more gradual the change will be between each iteration.
- Page A : 0.15 + (.85 x 0) = .15
- Page B : 0.15 + (.85 x .15/1) = .2775
- Page C : 0.15 + (.85 x 0) = .15
significantly... This number is closer to the actual Page Rank that Google would give page B.
- Page A : 0.15 + (.85 x 1/2) = 5.75
- Page B : 0.15 + (.85 x 1/2) = 5.75
- Page C : 0.15 + (.85 x 1/2) = 5.75
So, by linking ALL pages together we have maximized the page rank from within our website!
You can play around with your linking throughout your website and by doing so, you can send
more PR to pages you want to rank higher for, and lowering the PR of those pages you don't
care much about their ranking :-)
This can be extremely powerful.
Posted by Admin at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Google PageRank Update
Google PageRank has been updated these days and my Vista site is now PR5 ! Some of the data center show PR0 yet but I think they will update soon. My forex site is still PR3 but I dont work on it lately.
Posted by Admin at 5:07 AM 0 comments
my projects
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Average Visitors of my Vista site increases to 300
I am happy thats happening, but I see decrease of AdSense earnings and maybe I need some design corrections and new ads position. I will start experimenting with positions and colors of my ads. Hope it will improve.
I have a lot of work to do on my oldest project: bgforex.org. Its currently PR3 but theres not much traffic - only 5-10 uniques a day. I need to:
- Optimize it
- Add more articles
- Get more backling (I am working on that)
- Clear my forum spam and get better captcha protection
Thats it for now.
Posted by Admin at 1:37 PM 0 comments
my projects
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Projects I work on
Lately I've been working on SEO & Marketing on some of my sites. So far I have participated in DigitalPoint forum which is good source of useful information and resources on that topic. This forum helped me much but I am not fully satisfied with my achievements. I need more quality backlinks to my sites and more attention-grabbing content.
So far one of my sites averages 150-200 unique visitors per day, generating little adsense revenue (1-2 bucks a day). This is my most visited site. Most of the traffic is organic from google search queries which is great, also I am well-ranked for some popular keywords. I need to work toward next level and target 500 visitors a day for this site.
Current: 200 visitors/day
Target: 500 visitors/day
My plan is to:
- add more quality articles with good keywords
- post regularly to social bookmarking networks
- generate backlinks from good PR domains
- be patient and wait for the target to happen
Thats what I am concentrating on lately. This is my main project and I keep working on it.
Posted by Admin at 3:48 AM 0 comments
my projects,
Welcome to my blog
Hey, Thats my first personal blog. I am planning to post here my current projects and share knowledge on these topics:
- FOREX Market Trading
- WEB SEO & Marketing
- Templates & Graphics Design
- C / PHP Programming
Posted by Admin at 3:34 AM 0 comments